Introduction to the MeteoGroup
The combination of a growing demand for energy by expanding economies and major changes in the liberalised European energy markets have resulted in ever fluctuating prices for raw materials and renewable output. Accurate and timely weather information which is specifically tailored to the energy market is extremely important for reducing costs in all areas of the industry and can give businesses the decisive advantage.

Profit from weather information
MeteoGroup is the leading independent supplier of weather information to the European energy market. Trading floors and operational headquarters across Europe use our market leading MOS forecasts for accurate location specific data from 1 hour to 15 days ahead. Our teams of experienced meteorologists consult daily with businesses that require an extra level of service and 24/7 support. Our ensemble and probability forecasts are important decision making tools, together with long range forecast products for valuable indications up to three months ahead.

Forecast models
In addition to the world's leading weather forecasting model ECMWF and other internationally renowned models, we also use a dynamic-static forecast model (MOS), our own in-house development. Current and historic data as well as climatological conditions are included in the detailed and precise location-based forecasts of all meteorological variables such as temperature, effective cloud cover, global radiation, wind and precipitation. Additionally, our forecasts are monitored and edited by our experienced meteorologists, ensuring a constant, high quality level. We also use the so-called Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) to calculate the forecast quality in advance. This allows predications with regard to the occurrence of particular weather incidents (intense rain with regard to hydro power, storms with regard to wind power).